
Creativity is a way for many to come together through the form of expression to share ideas, connect more deeply and to cultivate a sense of deep joy and gratitude for the World and life forces around us

I love for collaboration to be an open exchange of ideas and a fluid way of working to collectively explore our connection to the Earth through regenerative processes


Fostering a tender yet playful approach to creativity to create joyful and hopeful spaces of connection with Body, Mind and Earth


To cultivate an awareness of our actions towards the Earth to act in loving kindness towards people and planet


Nurturing the child-like energy of wonder that I believe lives within us all to inform the creative process and to foster new ways of working

To cultivate a healthy connection with the Earth, we need to tend to our rooted connection to all living things to act with loving kindness.

Larkfield Way

Exploring the wonder of Garden spaces as communities of hope, regeneration and generosity through observing my Grandfather’s wisdom and care of his plants in his Greenhouse at Larkfield Way.

Eutierria - To Belong to the Good Earth

Nurturing our rooted connection to the Earth to provide spaces of tenderness and warmth for our emotions to be heard and healed.

This Too Shall Pass

Understanding the temporality of our emotions and providing a better plan for them to be understood and eased through somatic dance and mindfulness approaches.

I invite all forms of collaboration into my life including through dance, music, and visual arts. If you would like to connect please get in touch via the following links below

I am open to photography commissions and potential collaborations

For artist talks and mindful Photography walks